Reviews, Food & Travel! Recommendations, Restaurant Menus & Dining Tips .
“Part Of The Secret Of Success In Life
Is To Eat What You Like
And Let The Food
Fight It Out Inside”
- Mark Twain
Reviews &Recommendations
International Reviews & Travel Information.
Food Crawls, Location Reviews, Staycations & Road Trips.
Living In Ghana.
Tips & Information on daily living in Ghana.
Count memories, not calories.
One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well - Virginia Woolf
#ZubzzTakes Singapore!
7 hours to Istanbul, a 7 hour transit and 10 hours additional hours to Changi but hello Singapore!
BucketList Experience: Blue Lagoon, Iceland!
Iceland, which is a Schengen state and therefore accessible via a valid Schengen visa is an island country in the North Atlantic Ocean. It’s volcanically active and has a population of under 500,000 because [apparently] 80% of the island isn’t habitable.
The Blue Lagoon is one of their major tourist attractions, along with the Northern Lights, but those are visible only from September (and not everyday!).
An All-Inclusive Weekend In Paris for under €2000
If you’re looking for something different to do with your weekend, and you dont mind spending more than usual, this post is for you!
A weekend trip to Paris on a budget of ¢26,000 is possible - hotel, tickets ands everything included!
ZubzzTakesParis: Kenkey in France, Lunch inside the Eiffel Tower & Tea Time in Shangri-La!
3 restaurants to check out in the City Of Love!
Destination - Ibiza!
3rd vacation of the year - destination IBIZA! Mini-review because this was more of a vacation than a review (problem with being a content creator- your brain never switches off. Everything is a content opportunity).
Ibiza is a Spanish island in the Mediterranean Sea off the eastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula which is super popular for its party scene.
#ZubzzDotComTakesMorocco - 5 Restaurants To Try In Marrakesh
We’re live in Morocco - #ZubzzDotComTakesMarrakesh!
After being invited to dinner with the ambassador I knew I had to visit, so my second international review of the year is dedicated to Marrakesh, Morocco!
Zubai! #ZubzzDotComTakesDubai!
(You do not get to judge the name of this post. S/O to Emefa Zormelo😂❤️)
Dubai is easily one of my favourite places ever! And no, not completely based off the fact that I have NEVER had to correct anyone’s pronunciation of my name but because its absolutely beautiful. It’s definitely one of those places you need to visit at least once in your lifetime - it’s like they took all the beautiful things in this world and put them in one place.
Lagos Diaries - #ZubzzDotComTakesNigeria!
Whats good to eat in Lagos? The answer is: A lot! Seafood, sushi, italian, if you’re craving it, they’ve got it.
First International Gig! Your girl (that would be me of course), got invited to Nigeria to try out this super cool new app (I’ll tell you more about it later) and review a few places.
Food is our common ground, a universal experience -
James Beard
Accra, Ghana.
Ghana, officially the Republic of Ghana, is a country in West Africa. It spans the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean to the south, sharing borders with the Ivory Coast in the west, Burkina Faso in the north, and Togo in the east.